(Digital Legacy Edition)

All the world is a stage...What part do you want to play?

Pierre Saint Croix is a simple man, with simple pleasures, living in one of the most complex cities in the world - Las Vegas. Living in a self-imposed exile, and running from crimes in his past, he strives to keep his current life uncluttered and uncomplicated, and even has a tendency to try and blend into his surroundings, basically becoming invisible in society.

This, of course, isn't an easy task for him to accomplish, especially considering his life is full of outrageous characters, like Fernando Cueto, an ex-professional baseball player who still loves having the spotlight shined onto him, or Nalani Nihipali, a woman desperately searching for her Prince Charming in all the wrong places, or the enigmatic creature called Agdistis, who can only be described as living piece of performance art.

Although Pierre has his hands full with juggling all of these wild and outlandish aspects, shades of his sordid and criminal past have begun to creep back into his life, making him realize that even a single loose thread can completely unravel a lifelong tapestry, no matter how tightly woven it might be.

Laughter and tears, thrills and frights, cheers and redemption await all who want to see the best show in town. So come one, come all, to The Amazing Circus Freak Show & Invisible Exile Review!

Digital Legacy Edition is available in ebook format only

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